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Since 2014, GP Care Packages has been reaching out to the homeless during the Christmas season. We intend to distribute packages again this 2021 and would like to enlist the public's assistance in doing so.

We'd like to start planning for the 2021 event as soon as possible because the 2020 event was so successful.


There are a lot of homeless people living and sleeping on our streets and in our community, and they don't have anywhere to go. They rely on us. This year, we will bring a smile to everyone's face and show them that they are loved and not forgotten.

Every year, our care packages include the following items: ( hygiene items, beanies, gloves, socks, toothpaste, travel kits and soaps). This year, our goal is to enhance the experience by providing blankets, food, water, and other items. To reach our goal, we need your assistance in the form of any donation or contribution that you can make. All items will be purchased in September and October of 2021, with all GP Care Packages and Blankets distributed during the Christmas season.


Thank you in advance for your help and blessings. Merry Christmas and may you have  God's blessings. This year's event will take place on December 14th in Long Beach and Santa Ana. We're excited to reach out to those in need and share our blessings with them. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



- Eloise, Dennis, and the entire GP Care Packages & Blankets of Love team.


A little taste of what we love to do.

It's extremely difficult to summarize what we do in a well-written paragraph on a website. In the end, our main goal is to help our fellow man, woman, and child. We bless those who are less fortunate and distribute blessings, care packages, and blankets to those who may be in need on the streets.

We believe that we are God's people and that we must look after one another. Do you want to lend a hand? You can make a donation by clicking the 'donate now' button above. You can also send us an email and inquire about how you can volunteer your time.

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